How do I know if I have an addiction ?

Addiction is not just a term restricted to substance abuse like drugs, alcohol and cigarettes but also to any kind of compulsive behaviour or involvement in an activity that although enjoyable at the time affects your life adversely in other areas.

    Questions to consider

  • How much time do you spend on your activity ?

  • How much time do you spend thinking about your activity ?

  • Do you get withdrawal symptoms if you don't do your activity ?

  • Have you stopped doing your activity but swapped it for another one ?

  • Have you tried to give up your activity and failed, maybe many times ?
Sometimes it is hard to admit we have a problem, believing we could stop if we really wanted to do and just choose not to because we enjoy it. We are very good at rationising why it is ok really and it is not hurting anyone, but if we are truly honest it does affect those around us in some way and it is detrimental to us meaning there is a price to pay. That price could be financially or equally possible that the cost is in time taking us away from those we love. The price could involve a deteriation in our health or a negative mood change.

Some people have a problem with the terminology 'addict' seeing it as being judgemental and reflecting a heroin victim without hope of survival and a complete loss of self respect or control. It is only a word but the sentiment behind it simply conveys being compelled to engage in an activity or behaviour that may or may not be good for us.

Is Addiction Curable ?

YES it most definitely is and a lot easier than you might imagine

In therapy you will learn
  • How the mind works and how it can trick you into maintaining an addiction
  • To get the upper hand and win the battle easily
  • How to prevent it ever returning in any form
  • How to work towards living an altogether more resourceful and satisfying life

Would you like to remove an addiction from your life ?


What is the top addiction ?

Is it Alcohol ? or Coffee ? or Gambling ? or Work ?

It all depends who you ask on the internet

  • If you ask THE GUARDIAN
    The answer is Alcohol ?

  • If you ask BRAINZ
    The answer is Coffee ?

  • If you ask UCKG help centre charity
    The answer is Gambling

    The answer is Workaholism ?

  • All very reputable organisations and if you go searching the internet as I did you will find many other opinions or surveys.